CLUB SPOTLIGHT: Mohawk Hudson Cycling Club
If you’re looking for a welcoming bike group that will help you achieve your cycling goals from the Capital Region into the Adirondacks, then you should check out the Mohawk Hudson Cycling Club.
Text & photos by club member Dave Kraus
The year was 1969. The Vietnam war was raging, anti-war demonstrations were common all over the US, a little music festival called “Woodstock” happened in Bethel, NY, Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, and the Beatles released Abbey Road. It was also the year the Hudson-Mohawk Wheelmen cycling club was founded by a local group of Capital Region cyclists who wanted to have more opportunities to ride together.

Fifty years later the name has changed–it’s now the Mohawk Hudson Cycling Club. But their mission remains the same. If you’re looking for a welcoming bike group that will help you achieve your cycling goals from the Capital Region into the Adirondacks, then you should check out MHCC. The club hosts good times for all kinds and ages of cyclists, promoting cycling in all its aspects including recreational, social, and athletic, plus bikes as legitimate local transportation.

With over 500 members and more than 300 scheduled club rides every season, you’re sure to find some riding friends and a ride that’s right for you. Annual dues are a very reasonable $20 for one year, $36 for two years, or $51 for three years. Dues paying club members get access to all the features of the club’s website at including a ride calendar, classified ads, access to events, and the club’s extensive route library on the website.
If you’d like to join MHCC or just need more information about the club, visit their website “getting started” page at