CLUB SPOTLIGHT: Adirondack Foothills Cycling Club
Whether you're into cyclocross, mountain biking, gravel grinding, road cycling or pretty much anything on two people powered wheels, the Adirondack Cycling Club is into it too.
With the Adirondack Cycling Club, it's better on a bike. Especially with friends. Which is why everything they do is about encouraging people to join, at every level of riding. In fact, that's their mission:
Our mission is to promote enjoyment, training, education and advocacy for the sport of cycling to people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds in Northern New York State.
And they have the club rides, events and races to back it up with everything from regional road tours, club rides and mountain bike races on the menu. Whether you are a beginner, amateur or seasoned rider - Adirondack Foothills Cycling Club has a ride for you.