Meet CycleSafe
The BikeADK Partner of the Month for December is CycleSafe, who design and manufacture a wide variety of cycling infrastructure solutions for transit, education, corporate, government, and healthcare facilities. Their products provide security and peace of mind to protect your cycling equipment whether you are riding for commuting, recreation, or fitness.
As more communities in the Adirondacks expand cycling opportunities, safe, secure parking and storage solutions will be vital to encourage cycling in towns and along routes like the new Adirondack Rail Trail currently beginning construction between Lake Placid and Tupper Lake.
CycleSafe manufactures and markets products to park and store bikes safely including lockers, racks, shelters, and modular solutions that can mix these products. They also make public bike maintenance stands that make common repair tools available in public spaces.
“We design the product, we develop it, and utilize all USA-sourced manufacturing and materials, which we’re very proud of,” says company Vice-President Susan Hartger. “We’re looking forward to helping to build cycling in the Adirondacks. It’s a beautiful area.”
Doug Haney, Owner of Bike Adirondacks, says CycleSafe’s durable products will be particularly useful in the Adirondacks, where weather extremes are a fact of life.
“As participation in cycling continues to expand in the Adirondacks, it’s incredibly important for communities to embrace that growth and support it. Each community will need clear, safe options for cyclists, including secure bike parking throughout the community–plus other weatherproof amenities like public tire pumps. CycleSafe is a national leader in that infrastructure, and we’re glad for their help in making the ‘Dacks a great place to ride.”
To learn more about CycleSafe and their products, visit their website at